Sunday, May 13, 2007

An artsy dinner

Mary and Richard are the owners of gallery that has represented my work for the last 9 years. They come to my home/studio two or three times a year, have an italian dinner, chat about art and food and leave with a few of my new pieces.
Richard is vegetarian but eats eggs and dairy so a Spanish frittata is what I do for him while the rest of the company feast on prawns. Since penne with porcini was the fist course I knew he would be well fed by the time we got to the salad and the dessert. He is very tall and lanky with a dry sense of humor and. Mary is blonde and bubbly, attractive tall english woman, with an easy infectuous laugh and a great head for business. They are great people, am I lucky to have timidly approached them nine years ago with my first small pastel landscapes and lucky that they saw some sort of potential in me. They have supported and guided me over the years, encouraged my transition to oils and more recently my attempts at producing larger sizes. I tend to be overcritical of my work. Comparing my modest accomplishements to Cezanne's does not produce self confidence...Every piece is a struggle, frustration is the feeling that most often accompanies the painting process. But I make progress, slowly but securely, and that keeps me painting. Keeps me going.

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